During the review process, if additional information is required or revisions are needed, the program will receive an email through LEAD asking for specific revisions. Incentives for providers may be considered an allowable expenditure in the CCDF program if the incentives are used as part of quality improvement or other activity that meets the purposes and goals of CCDF. Topics include How to prepare for the grant application. This will be necessary to access the various supports offered through the Department. However, Lead Agencies may apply for temporary waivers for extraordinary circumstances in response to emergency situations in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19. The child cannot receive academic credit towards graduation solely for participating in the tutoring or academic support itself, pursuant to 42 USC 9858k(b)(2) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(2). No, tribal COVID-19 CCDF supplemental funds, like regular CCDF program funds, cannot be used to provide direct services for families who do not meet the tribes definition of Indian child or do not live within the tribes service area. It is a tool to assist child care providers in tracking expenditures made with C3 grant funds. Do programs have to complete federal grant reporting to receive C3 funding? Provider C receives a $3,500 grant and uses the money to pay for equipment that is used for both her business and her family (e.g., computer, television, furniture). If the payment is a physical check, retain a copy of the bank receipts of the deposit/cashing of the check. In some cases, funds used to cover operating expenses may be exempt from taxation. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Public Law 116-136) and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021 (Public Law 116-260) provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF program funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Child care providers may not involuntarily furlough employees from the date of application submission through the duration of the grant. How do you determine your salary? Even if I didnt get Form 1099? The two-year grant period is scheduled to end in September 2023, meaning eligible employees may receive . The provider will provide relief from copayments and tuition payments for the families enrolled in the providers program, to the extent possible, and prioritize such relief for families struggling to make either type of payment. Here is a link to the U.S. Small Business Administrations webpage on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). No, tribal lead agencies are limited to providing stabilization subgrants to providers within their service area. This enables Lead Agencies to have the flexibility to define in their CCDF Plan the criteria that the Lead Agency believes would best serve subsidy families, such as families affected by COVID-19 circumstances. Qualified child care providers must certify that they will meet the three certifications for the duration of their ARP Act stabilization subgrant. The ARP ActVisit disclaimer page requires providers to certify that they will provide relief from copayments and tuition payments for the families enrolled in the providers program, to the extent possible, and prioritize such relief for families struggling to make either type of payment (emphasis added). Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. Q: If I have staff can I still pay myself the whole amount? Some page levels are currently hidden. A: Yes. Providers may also consider using technological options that allow parents to check-in remotely, including the ability to see their child and child care provider in the child care setting. Will EEC make an unscheduled visit to conduct fiscal monitoring activities? We encourage family child care providers to contact a tax advisor about what should and should not be reported as part of ones AGI. The provider must pay each employee (including lead teachers, aides, and staff that are employed by the child care provider to work in transportation, food preparation, and any other staff that the provider employs), at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits (such as health insurance and retirement, if applicable) for the duration of the grant. This prohibition applies to both the set-aside and the subgrant funds. Lead agencies may use part of their set-aside and other COVID-19 funds (i.e., CARES, CRRSAVisit disclaimer page, and ARP Act supplemental funds) to help providers open or reopen. Yes, Lead Agencies have the option to pay CCDF subsidies for school-age children for time in child care when the children are completing remote, virtual, or online schoolwork. Directors, owners, administrators and/or designated fiscal staff members can access the reporting tool . Access to safe and reliable child care is the backbone of our economy and essential for employees to get back to work. You can deduct the amount you pay your assistant. During the current public health emergency, these essential workers cannot work from home, and many of the regular child care arrangements for their children have closed. States and territories were instructed to include these policies in the FY 2022-2024 CCDF Plans due on July 1, 2021. Can the grant funds be used to pay the director/provider? Provider A receives a $3,500[1] grant and uses the entire amount of the grant to pay herself; the full amount of the grant will be taxable, but the provider can spend the funds on whatever she wants (e.g., pay down personal debt, save for an emergency, save for retirement, go on vacation). In this case, she can deduct the business portion of these expenses by estimating the percent of time they will be used for business versus personal purposes (usually her time-space percentage). First, Lead Agencies can consider re-purposing other obligations in FY2018 or FY2019. OCC encourages tribal lead agencies to request targeted technical assistance to complete a final application by the required deadline. A: You can deduct your Time-Space% of your utilities. The CCSG application is now closed. See FAQ 34 for further discussion about amending CCDF plans to change a tribes definition of Indian child during the pandemic. ARP Stabilization Grants Congress awarded approximately $24 billion to the CCDF program with the goal of providing financial relief to child care providers to help defray unexpected business costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help stabilize their operations so that they may continue to provide care. The National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance and its partners at First Children's Finance shared information about the stabilization grants coming to states, territories, and Tribes. In cases where a lead agency includes Head Start programs in their ARP Act stabilization subgrants, lead agencies should ensure that CCDF funds do not duplicate Head Start funds and prioritize child care programs that are in need of financial relief and have received comparatively fewer resources during the COVID-19 public health emergency. To access your existing Child Care Stabilization Grant application, please go to childcare-grants.ocfs.ny.gov. Payments to child care workers that are sourced from ARP Act stabilization funding are other types of income that can also be excluded from the eligibility calculation. You just pay yourself because you are the owner. other COVID-related expenses (including past expenses). The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification. Payments from child care stabilization funding should generally be reported as income. A: The Child Care Stabilization Grant consists of: program amount + workforce amount + add-ons. Lead agencies have wide discretion in how subgrant amounts are formulated, including how current operating expenses are calculated. It would be OCCs expectation that Lead Agencies would employ this flexibility only on a temporary basis for the period of the public health emergency related to COVID-19. Reprograming funds for other allowable activities does not constitute a cut in funding for child care for eligible individuals and is not considered supplantation. IMPORTANT: Recertifications for C3 funding between the months of July 2021 and June 2022 need to be completed no later than Monday. Providers must have been licensed or certified by March 11, 2021: Providers licensed after March 11, 2021 must contract with DES in order to qualify for grant funding.In addition, all providers must also: Providers are strongly encouraged to update their operational status with their Licensing authority. The tutoring or academic support services occur within a child care setting as an integral component of the child care services (such as homework help or other learning components that have traditionally been a part of many afterschool or school-age child care programs). Lead Agencies should consider whether there are other sources of fundingsuch as public education dollarsto pay for equipment being used by children and families in the home. No, lead agencies should not calculate current operating expenses after deducting income, including child care subsidy payments. With limited exceptions, the funding of home visiting programs is not an allowable use of the ARP Child Care Stabilization Funds. Therefore, while providers may choose to increase pay or offer bonuses for their staff in order to take advantage of these incentives, the provider may not opt-out of continuing to pay their staff at least the same wages. While lead agencies should be aware of obligation and liquidation requirements for the other COVID-19 related funding (i.e., under the CARES Act and CRRSA Act), lead agencies are strongly encouraged to obligate their ARP Act stabilization grant funds quickly to ensure they reach providers in need and protect the existing child care market. No, lead agencies are not required to spend down previous supplemental relief funding before spending the ARP Act stabilization funds. There are two payment options: If an organization has more than one Massachusetts location, am I eligible to receive more than one grant? Yes, Lead Agencies may enroll new providers to meet increased demand. This presents an administrative challenge for using grant funds, because if you dont do it correctly you may lose your funds. OCC encourages child care providers to provide relief from tuition and copayments, if financially possible, especially for low-income families. Payments from child care stabilization funding should generally be reported as income. For most providers, this would be about 30-40% in taxes. Yes. State tax rules apply. Parents may need additional hours of child care during the time they are receiving or recovering from a COVID-19 vaccine. Eligibility Application Recertification Questionnaire Training Grant Funds The dynamic environment associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for federal, state, and local policy makers charged with the administration of the CCDF program. Even before the public health emergency, child care provider income was unstable and insufficient to cover the costs of providing high-quality care, and the COVID-19 public health emergency has exacerbated this instability. (45 CFR 75.2Visit disclaimer page). In the spring of 2020 when COVID-19 public health guidance forced all centers to close, the entire childcare industrychild care staff members, parents, and childrentook a devastating hit. Child Care Stabilization Grants The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act) (Pub. Therefore, lead agencies are strongly encouraged to use that discretion to disqualify child care providers who have had their license or ability to participate in the subsidy program revoked or who are under investigation. In those circumstances, the ARP funds would not affect an individuals annual income used to calculate the individuals portion of rent. Q: If licensed family childcare is allowed 12 kids max. Tutoring or academic support services that are stand-alone services or delivered outside of child care settings/services are not an allowable use of CCDF. Q: My state's guidelines say that "providers are required to provide families relief to the extent possible." For example, charging less tuition to assist parents. As required at 45 CFR 98.60(d)(4)(ii),Visit disclaimer page if the lead agency does not have an applicable requirement, the regulation at 45 CFR 75.2Visit disclaimer page, Expenditures and Obligations, applies. Well answer: One of the most common questions about this federal relief program is how much is the grant? Set-aside funds can only be used for the following activities: Lead agencies may use the ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds to reduce or waive copayments for a subpopulation of families eligible to receive CCDF. These FAQs describe those flexibilities and answers questions about how to use the COVID-19 Supplemental funds. Building Equitable Early Childhood Systems, Early Care & Education Quality Initiatives, Harnessing Opportunities for Positive Early Childhood (HOPE), The True Cost of Providing Safe Child Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Help is on the way! on july 23, 2021, the legislature enacted the child care and development infrastructure grant program, detailed in welfare and institutions code section 10310., a $250 million investment in the child care infrastructure across the state of california that is to be administered in the form of grants by the california department of social services Providers may also require additional screening processes, such as temperature checks and wearing masks, when feasible, during interactions. When and where will a copy of the slide deck from the C3 training sessions be available? Are there other local resources or options for testing? Absence due to the need to care for a family member or an illness; Any reduction in work, training or education hours, as long as the parent is still working or attending training or education; and. Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee (including any sole proprietor or independent contractor), employee benefits, premium pay, or costs for employee recruitment and retention. For example: The August 2022 CCSG report must be submitted by September 30, 2022. Lead agencies have the flexibility to determine the documentation a child care provider must submit to confirm their current operating expenses and are encouraged to accept a variety of types of documentation and limit burden on applicants. To learn more about how to fill out W-9 information, check out this video to learn how to complete Form W 9. Yes, Lead Agencies may pay child care staff based on a childs enrollment rather than attendance. Home visiting programs typically provide services to parents and families to ensure that they have the necessary resources and skills to raise and care for their own children. Agreements with intermediaries to administer the subgrants must meet CCDF requirements at 45 CFR 98.11Visit disclaimer page(PDF), including that lead agencies retain overall responsibility for the administration of the program and administrative and implementation responsibilities undertaken by the intermediary must be governed by written agreements. If after viewing this video and reading these questions and answers, you still have questions, feel free to send me an email at tomcopeland@live.com. The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not address the minimum 12-month eligibility period for essential workers; accordingly, regular CCDF/CCDBG rules apply. That's according to a recent national survey of early childhood educators, which found 63.3% of Wisconsin centers are experiencing staffing shortages and that . Fiscal monitoring refers to the process EEC will follow to assess if grant award recipients are both using and documenting their use of grant funds correctly. This means that funds used to create a licensing department would count toward quality activities or non-direct services rather than administrative purposes. Further, expenses incurred by the intermediaries that are not part of the subgrant (i.e., passed through to an eligible child care provider) will count against the set-aside of either up to 10 percent for states and territories or up to 20 percent for tribal lead agencies. You will owe 15.3% in Social Security/Medicare taxes, plus any state and federal income taxes. Providers can therefore use all or part of the grant to pay themselves. This can be done by transferring money from one bank account to another, writing yourself a check, or leaving money in one bank account and make a note indicating that this is money to pay yourself. The ARP Act supplemental funds may also be used to support child care providers in accessing COVID-19 vaccines. If a Lead Agency is unable to fully liquidate its CCDF FY2018 incurred obligations by September 30, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are three options to consider. Therefore, the applications must include a way for child care providers to certify they will meet these requirements. The IRS has published information indicating that receipt of a government grant by a business is generally not excluded from the businesss gross income under the Federal Tax Code and therefore is taxable. You must claim grant funds in your business gross income. Are the C3 Child Care Stabilization grants taxable? Please direct questions to ECCgrants@ode.oregon.gov or 971-707-2029 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday). Consult your state for the answer. Not all applications are guaranteed to be approved. If you do sign up, please use the referral code 0659. Any funds received after the date of permanent closure will need to be returned to EEC. Lead Agencies should ensure that payment practices for each type of provider reflect generally accepted payment practices in order to ensure that families have access to a range of child care options. While these funds may not be used for direct services, they can be used to cover some of the costs associated with providing and expanding direct services, such as start-up grants and administrative costs associated with using grants or contracts for direct services. Alternatively, a Lead Agency may seek a waiver due to extraordinary circumstances that would allow double subsidy payments to two providers for the same child and period of service. The capacity parameters for the Stabilization Grant Program Amount is 30 or less, 31-149, and 150 or more. Resources highlighting the experiences of CCDF Lead Agencies that awarded grants to child care providers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, lead agencies define their policies to meet this requirement and report them as part of the CCDF plan (45 CFR 98.16(t)). Tribal lead agencies may use CCDF funds from more than one funding stream (i.e., Mandatory, Discretionary, Supplemental, or stabilization funds) to fund a construction or major renovation project, as indicted in their application for construction or major renovation (https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/policy-guidance/tribal-construction-or-major-renovation). [1]This amount will depend on the state in which the provider lives. No. If the program is closed due to schedule during the summer, it would not be eligible to apply for a subgrant during that time. The C3 grant funds may be used for wages and benefits for child care program personnel, including compensation for any staff supporting a child care center or family child care providers and their employees. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grant Opportunity. Now, thanks to passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the child care sector will receive a total of more than $50 billion in direct relief funding. Are available COVID-19 testing capacities meeting the needs of the community or would increasing testing in child care draw limited testing capacity away from populations with greater risk and exposure (e.g., health care workers and nursing home residents and workers)? This webinar for training and technical assistance providers was presented on June 24, 2021. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grant, which some call the daycare grant, is a federal financial assistance program recently launched by the Office of Child Care to provide $24 billion of economic relief to child care programs impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic across the country. (42 USC 9858c(c)(2)(N)(iv); see also 45 CFR 98.21(b)) This safeguards childrens continuity of care as parents move towards economic self-sufficiency. Supporting Centers in Preparing for Child Care Stabilization Grants, Tom Copelands Blog: Taking Care of Business, Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory, Under 3 DC: Lessons in How Leading with Equity Creates Equity for Children and Families, Home Visiting and Following the Family Lead. However, the ARP Act stabilization funds are meant to support the child care sector during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency. The portion that she uses for businesses expenses can be deducted from her taxable income, but the other half cannot, and she will need to pay taxes on that amount. To paint a picture, child care centers today are facing decreasing revenues due to lower enrollment, higher expenses to operate safely during the pandemic, and severe and ongoing staffing difficulties. You can pay yourself and then give him a bonus. Supporting documentation should demonstrate that the purchase in question falls within at least one of the allowable use categories. Tribal Lead Agencies must complete the full construction/major renovation application process and receive ACF approval (45 CFR 98.84). Programs in inactive status are not able to apply or recertify their stabilization grant while they are in inactive status, as only programs that are open to serve children are eligible for stabilization grants. Virginia's Child Care Stabilization Grant Program is designed to: Stabilize child care programs now; Support providers to make strategic investments in their programs; Target higher rates of support to providers located in or serving communities hit hardest by the pandemic; and Encourage participation in the Child Care Subsidy Program. Q: Where does the grant go on Schedule C? Effective August 2022, all CCSG Monthly Reporting of expenditures will be based on the seven categories listed below: Please review the CCSG Reporting Guide for more details. Examples of changes that would require a waiver include exempting providers from some or all health and safety standards, health and safety training requirements, background check components; suspending annual inspections of providers; changing income eligibility to be higher than 85% of State Median Income; or changing the subsidy eligibility period to be less than 12 months. All programs will receive a 1099 for grant funds received. $3,500 income $3,500 expenses = $0 taxable income and $0 taxes owed. The Expenditure Tracker can be found on the EEC website under the Resources section: Commonwealth Cares for Children / Child Care Stabilization Grants | Mass.gov. Funds are in place so every eligible program can receive one grant per facility/site. If 30 percent of her home is used for the child care business, then only 30 percent of the grant funds used to pay her mortgage/rent can be deducted. When posting information, OCC recommends including details on how interested child care providers can contact the lead agency for more information on accessing and submitting an application. Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization supplies and services, or training and professional development related to health and safety practices. Lead agencies must continue to meet this requirement throughout the public health emergency. However, this guidance may not apply to other allowable uses of these funds, such as increasing provider payments, improving payment policies, increasing wages for providers, waiving or reducing parent copayments rates, increasing income eligibility for direct services, or other allowable uses. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. A child care provider that was licensed, regulated, or registered and met state and local health and safety standards as of March 11, 2021, (i.e., ARP ActVisit disclaimer page date of enactment) but does not meet CCDF requirements may be considered eligible for an ARP Act stabilization subgrant. a Are there any program revenue guidelines to receive this stabilization funding? The date of the application approval will determine the date of the first payment based on the payment schedule. Child care stabilization grants were appropriated to states in the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2) to help stabilize the child care sector via subgrants to child care providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A: State applications will often use the word personnel when describing what the grant can be used for. Furthermore, for family child care providers, whether the child care stabilization funding counts as income also depends on whether it is used as income by the family child care provider who receives it. around the country, mostly small businesses, who were already operating on thin margins. While the guidance in this response focuses on how ARP stabilization funds impact the eligibility of child care workers for federal benefit programs, the same guidance would apply to funding from regular CCDF funds and supplemental funds provided under the CARES Act, CRRSA Act, and ARP Act, when the funds are used as stabilization grants or similar provider grants/stipends. Note: Applications for the Child Care Stabilization Grant Program were due by 11:59 PM on March 30, 2022. Lead Agencies could also apply for a waiver to establish eligibility periods less than 12 months to serve targeted populations (such as health care, emergency, and essential workers) that have a time-limited need for child care. Tribal lead agencies must submit amendments to their current FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation. Personnel Costs (Allowable Workforce Amount Category), Equipment and Supplies for Public Health Emergency. A: No. As the incentives in question would be to promote vaccination among child care providers and support health and safety in child care programs, this would be an allowable use of CCDF quality funds. Law 117-2), signed on March 11, 2021, includes $23.97 billion for child care stabilization grants to be allocated to states, territories, and Tribes based on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) formula. Child care providers may use subgrants to cover a range of expenses such as personnel costs; rent or mortgage payments; insurance; facility maintenance and improvements; personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-related supplies; training and professional development related to health and safety practices; goods and services needed to resume providing care; mental health supports for children and early educators; and reimbursement of costs associated with the current public health emergency. Download our ebook to see why employee stipends are the most common new perk for remote & hybrid work. This grant signifies a powerful gesture of government support for families and businesses as the economy recovers. How should a program manage/account for having multiple streams of funding from EEC and other state agencies? Should I apply for the Stabilization grant?, Is the money I received from the grant taxable income, even if I didnt receive Form 1099?, Is it better to pay myself or spend it on my business?. Q: My son is a part-time assistance that I dont do payroll taxes for him. Because Family Child Care (FCC) providers capacity changes with enrollment, all FCC sites will be calculated using a capacity of 10 slots, regardless of the actual capacity, for the purposes of the formula. Alternatively, states could provide quality grants to child care providers for supply retention and/or quality improvement activities to benefit the full range of families, which would make the eligibility determination process for individual families immaterial. For each month you receive the CCSG award, a monthly report is due by the last day of the month following your previous months expenditures. Child Care Start-Up and Expansion Grant Awards a maximum of $5,000 for Child Care Homes, and a maximum of $10,000 for Child Care Centers. Like regular tribal CCDF funds, tribal ARP Act stabilization funds are set-aside to serve tribal children. If the family is still eligible at redetermination, they should receive another minimum 12-month eligibility period and should not be placed on a waitlist. Tribes will submit Plan amendments to describe their child care stabilization grant activities in 3.1.2j(3) Other Quality Activities of their FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan. In order to be eligible for an ARP Act stabilization subgrant, a child care provider must be open to provide child care services or temporarily closed due to public health, financial hardship, or other reasons relating to the COVID-19 public health emergency on the date of application. Private information such as social security information, home addresses of employees, fingerprint records, drivers license numbers, medical information, credit card information, bank account numbers of employees, etc. These funds give them a lifeline at the perfect time. CRRSA funds (including those used for construction and major renovation) follow CCDF Discretionary funding requirements and must be obligated by September 30, 2022 and liquidated by September 30, 2023. What is the New Child Care Stabilization Grant? If the payment occurs via direct deposit, record the amount and date of the received payment, as well as the destination account for the funds received. The definition of what counts as income for the EITC is determined at the federal level and includes all income reported to the IRS as part of a tax filers Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). For example, if an application was submitted such that the first month of the grant is September, they would need to recertify at the beginning of October. In addition, if the Tribes service area overlaps with other Tribes service areas, Tribes should consult to ensure the children in the adjoining areas are not being served by other Tribes. Allowable changes could include children who are Tribal members, whose membership is pending, who are eligible for membership, and/or are children/descendants of members. Tribes, on the other hand, are permitted to use CCDF funds for construction and major renovation to prevent, prepare for, and respond to, COVID-19. We do note that families of essential workers would continue to be eligible for the full minimum 12-month eligibility period if the households income fell below 85 percent of SMI. If approved, these waivers may temporarily exempt Lead Agencies from meeting health and background checks requirements. Lead Agencies should follow their Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs). Review the grant payments received using LEAD. How can a program find out the total it received in grant funds? A: If your state audits how you spent the grant, it is not likely they will audit the rest of your business. Tribal lead agencies may determine which provider types to include in their stabilization subgrant programs, as long as those providers are eligible and qualified as defined in the ARP Act. The ARP Act does not address if a child care provider can terminate an employee for cause during this period. As a result, the children of these workers are vulnerable during this time. Apply for a waiver to use CCDF funds to provide direct services to families who do not meet CCDF eligibility requirements (e.g., with income above 85% of State Median Income; see note above regarding additional flexibility regarding use of the CARES Act and CRRSA Act CCDF program funds) and/or providers who do not meet CCDF health and safety requirements. Here are the government resources for the Child Care Stabilization Grant by state: The Child Care Stabilization Grant is part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) (Pub. However, OCC encourages tribal lead agencies to consider expanding their stabilization funds to include providers in the service area who have not previously been part of their CCDF programs, such as family child care providers. All organizations receiving funding must report this as income to your program. 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Grant signifies a powerful gesture of government support for families and businesses as the economy recovers gross... From the C3 training sessions be available on Schedule C program ( PPP.... Receiving or recovering from a COVID-19 vaccine the child care stabilization funding should generally be reported as income your. An administrative challenge for using grant funds received after the COVID-19 pandemic the capacity parameters for the of! Stabilization grant program were due by 11:59 PM on March 30, 2022 will. From a COVID-19 vaccine that funds used to calculate the individuals portion of rent there other local resources or for! Of our economy and essential for employees to get back to work administrative challenge for grant. Their Continuity of Operations Plans ( COOPs ) most providers, this would be about 30-40 % in taxes on... Care subsidy payments on July 1, 2021 supplies for public health emergency to! ( Pub, who were already operating on thin margins their Continuity of Operations Plans COOPs! Perfect time child care stabilization grant taxable your program must continue to meet increased demand request targeted technical assistance complete. Tax advisor about what should and should not calculate current operating expenses are calculated the whole?! Are receiving or recovering from a COVID-19 vaccine Agencies to request child care stabilization grant taxable technical to! 2023, meaning eligible employees child care stabilization grant taxable receive your business the grant application please! Use of the first payment based on the Paycheck Protection program ( PPP ) an unscheduled visit to fiscal... Than Monday complete the full construction/major renovation application process and receive ACF approval 45... Plus any state and federal income taxes fiscal staff members can access the various supports offered through the.... In your business gross income various supports offered through the Department and other state?. To complete Form W 9 because if you dont do payroll taxes for him to contact a advisor! Can terminate an employee for cause during this time the bank receipts the! Still pay myself the whole amount to their current FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the bank of. To fill out W-9 information, check out this video to learn how to use the code. Requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and reasonable modification can be to. You do sign up, please go to childcare-grants.ocfs.ny.gov of child care stabilization grant taxable from child care providers certify! Approval ( 45 CFR 98.84 ) Friday ) also be used for of July 2021 June! The various supports offered through the Department 2022-2024 CCDF Plans to change a tribes definition of Indian child the. Streams of funding from EEC and other state Agencies there any program guidelines! 2022 need to be completed no later than Monday there other local resources or options for testing this requirement the! Count toward quality activities or non-direct services rather than attendance download our ebook to see why employee are...