Having even a few provinces lets you win the civil war easily. Justify on Portugal, and naval invade them from the Cape by splitting off subs for naval superiority. Habsburgs everywhere as you will have already crowned a king and be able to get to Jerusalem easily by this point. Gameplay goals to Expand Territory, Colonize and Conquer. You should declare on Saudia-Arabia first, as their port is much easier to invade than Yemen. Italy: Victor Emmanuel III is the current country leader. After you defeated and annexed Vichy France, release most of the land you occupy, otherwise you will get manpower issues. The US must control the state you drop the nuke in. Improve your relations with Germany. This can be done by keeping control of the northern states (Asturias & Pais Vasco) for as long as possible as the Nationalists need them to prevent the uprising. Doing this will also give you buffs to fortification Building - build some on either side of the Waddenzee, making sure to include the three border territories in Freisland - two East of Amsterdam, one at the neck of the Waddenzee. Replace the templates of your 16 stack army with the 16-width Engineer & Anti-air and the 2 24 armies with the 16-width with Engineers. While researching nukes, build some troops and interceptors for defense. The allies will send addtional divisions you can also crush until you leveled up enough. Annex France by lend-leasing them everything, and right before the UK capitulates, justify on the Soviet Union, and take Oppose Hitler while still justifying on the Soviets. Let the Japanese conquer one province and nuke it. Once the civil wars are over, immediately take "the unification of the balkans" focus, from test runs this can consistently be done Jan-March 1939, annexing Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania. After that concentrate on building naval dockyards and make sure that you researched Modern Ship Torpedo Launcher technology. http://www.discord.gg/feedbackgamingSupport me on Patreon! Conquer Belgium and Luxembourg as Netherlands. For best results, complete the "Work with the bund" and "Recruit the Free Corps" national focuses. Overall HOI4 has the easiest set of achievements to get, not many of them and you can get several of them in a single campaign. Wait until Germany is deep in the USSR, then declare on them - the closer the Germans are to capitulating the Soviets when you declare on them, the better (if you're really lucky, the Soviets will capitulate right before the Germans capitulate to you). This Mod inspired by https://territorial.io/ combined with Hearts of Iron IV. Tannu Tuva can easily reach this achievement due to their abysmally low core population of just 85k. It can be done quickly as Japan. Set up a naval invasion from Wilhelmshaven to either Dunkerque or Calais, and have your starting navy on Strike Force in the English Channel. Do not wait for a liberation to complete for one African country before starting the liberation process for the next country. When those reach options reach the point of getting to far ahead in the future switch to economic research. Doesn't really matter which one. Use this for annexing them. Your production line consists of 1 factory on anti-air, one on support equipment and the reset on infantry equipment. Quickly rush to Korea and push them off the continent. This prevents you from "taking territory." After the civil war focus on getting more manpower and factories. Alternatively, one can simply puppet Italy as non-aligned Germany - generate 25 world tension (justifying on Romania and capitulating France through naval invasions is an easy way to do this; alternatively, one can rush Poland to make the German Civil War easier), and take Oppose Hitler (the tension from Oppose Hitler, as well as Restore the Kaiserreich and Return of the Kaiser, will get it past 40); form a faction with Austria, and then when the event for annexing them fires, accept so you can get a border with Italy. After defeating the Allies, you should have a large enough army and economy to take on China and Japan yourself. Rush the focus "Exploit the Weak Neighbours". When Landon becomes President, go straight to America First. So you should have no problem pushing up from the Austrian territories (besides hitting the Czechoslovak forts at some point). At the start of the game, get both a fascist and communist demagogue and switch to fascism via civil war. requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree, The Soviet Union is a subject of Mexico. The Starting conditions column may denote the requirements needed for the player character before the achievement requirements are fulfilled. There are 143 achievements in Hearts of Iron IV , worth a total of 2,179 Gamerscore. If one opts to conquer Britain instead of France, they can also go for Operation Sea Lion (if you do that, justify on one of their dominions to avoid the UK getting guaranteed by France). Once your justification is done, declare war on France immediately or you will risk UK guarantee. As India, become the spymaster for the Allies. Near the end of the cycle, we take a vote on what achievements we want to see in the game (after eliminating any that would be technically impossible) and start the process of implementing them and ordering art. You need to either annex all USA core states, or puppet the USA and let it have all core states. Restart the game if they do as this will cause whoever you are at war with to immediately join the Allies. Britain will join the war. Furthermore, there is a chance that the UK completely decolonizes on non-historical. Now begin preparing for war with Denmark and Norway by sitting one or two units to attack the Danish strait and sending around four units behind them with a naval invasion from the north, after justifying, expand conscription and follow the collectivist tree to be able to produce a large amount of cavalry to hold the Norwegian line. Can be combined with "Cut The Strings" (just do it after dropping the nuke). Change the Advisor to Democratic as soon as that focus is taken. So once you declare war on them through a "Demand recognition decision" they'll join the Axis. Make the cheapest Battlecruisers you can and build 6 at the same time (you start with 3) with all your dockyards assigned, build more dockyards to speed up construction. Do to this rush down the Army tree in order to begin your war on pacifism as early as possible. Their army is really weak and the Germans will never go after it when you have it annexed. What is the rarest hoi4 achievement? With Man the Guns, assuming leadership on the diplomacy screen requires 50% more factories and fielded manpower than the current leader. After the Anschluss, you can justify a quick war goal on Germany using the claim on Vorarlberg. It is not necessary to go to war with the Allies, unless you do so that the thirteenth country joins your faction and the achievement is complete. May be completed with Bad Romeance. To be Ottoman Empire you need to go far left of focus tree and choose Adnan Menderes after "Hold Our First Multi-Party Election". Like with Russia, you need to justify against USA and declare before coup is finished. Call only allies that are necessary! By http://patreon.com/feedbackgamingFollow me on Twitter: The Achievement requires the decision to release the nations rather than the release nation button on the occupied territory screen. Attack the Allies immediately after the defeat of the Axis, You have to own the provinces, not just occupy them - watch out for them in a peace treaty, do not let AI take them or you will have to go to war again. You can also annex Spain for more coastal provinces and factories while you are waiting. From the beginning build a couple of dockyards to increase your convoy production, and maybe some extra submarines too. Put two death stacks in the North Sea and the Eastern North Sea. Remember to build Infrastructure, Railroads and Supply Hubs, as Chinese supply is mostly atrocious. In which case you don't (may not) have to fight the Allies. Join a major faction with a large number of members to be able to get enough spy slots. The US will automatically join, now all that is left is to drop a nuke. Turkey will be guaranteed by both Germany and the UK. Declare war on the Allies but NOT on America, and launch the naval invasion. Dock in Morocco for range. As Mexico, put Trotsky in power and puppet the Soviet Union. Germany will control Paris. As the U.S.A., start a new civil war as the South. You may want to build some extra dockyards. After completing Unite the Anglosphere, attack from Canada using the war goal that focus gave you, and capitulate them. This is a community maintained wiki. However, if you lose all your territory you will white peace with Ethiopia and the achievement will be no longer available. In order for the achievement to fire, the decryption must not be complete or cracked, but if the player selects it and waits the 30 days, the achievement will fire. Basically, make sure they are always losing battles to you. Declare war on the Soviets. If the peace conference triggers before the achievement does, try to annex all of Great Britain as the other Axis members may take the required territory. Set all of your military factories to produce infantry equipment and build more mils in all of your states (you need lots of guns for coups), Build a spy agency from the very start and make 5 improvements. An easy way to do this is, after rebelling against the Japanese, ask all the members of the Chinese United Front for Military Access except for Communist China - if you didn't answer Japan's call to arms, you will be at peace with them, and since you're fighting on the same side as them, you'll be given it. You must have the Quit India Movement national spirit. In 1938 Germany will declare war and drag the Allies in even before they declare on Poland or Czech. As any country, preferably recommended to select neutral nations (. Both will have low compliance and resistance strength in their African provinces. Germany must capitulate to you. Don't forget the Royal Navy. As France, occupy Moscow while Napoleon VI is your country leader. Turn Communist, join Comintern and take Romania to have a border with Soviet Union, Build up Sudetenland to level 7 forts and don't give up Sudetenland, When Germany attacks hold on till Soviets arrive and beat them (if you are quick Italy will not join Axis), Take the best Germany provinces (by resources and IC), build up your forces and take Italy, Balkans and France (avoid fighting with Allies if possible), Build up your navy, attack the Allies and island hop to Australia, It is easier with historical AI turned off (Hungary can take Austria and/or ally with Italy, France may not join the Allies), Turn fascist, justify on Austria and Yugoslavia ASAP(don't choose any focus to get extra PP) - make sure both justifications finish at around the same time to avoid guarantees (playing on nonhistorical will reduce guarantee chances), During your justifications, take the focus 'Trust with the West' to get rid of the Romanian guarantee on you, pulling Romania in the war also, In peace deal, annex the states you need to form Austria-Hungary, You can then justify and annex Hungary to form AH, giving you cores(manpower + extra factories), You can then join Japan's faction and invade from their territory, Alternatively just join Axis, get military access from Japan (when they war on Allies) and naval invade from Japan (VERY easy), Join Axis, declare war, wait a few days for Netherlands to send more troops to the frontline, paradrop on victory points (don't call Germany), Join the war when Germany attacks Poland, paradrop into Northern Territory, take Canberra (don't call East Indies). However, there is a small chance that Sweden gets guaranteed after you capitulate Norway. As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, ally Germany and fully control Paris. Be mindful that several states in the Midwest around the Great Lakes will also break off to form the Unaligned States of America, but they will not be hostile towards you. After Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed and Poland capitulated, Soviets will take Eastern part of it. Ignore Africa for now. One viable way is to puppet the UK - go either fascist or communist, and declare war on the UK as early as possible. It is only necessary to occupy the land required so it is possible to have this achievement fire whilst at war. Start justifying on Denmark as soon as Mexico become fascist. For Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate. Personally, any achievement requiring you to go through the soviets tend to end up being a slog because they tend to capitulate after you pass the Urals. 0.13%. In the meantime, France and Czechoslovakia will have gone to war with Germany over Sudetenland. Either send own divisions to conquer Qingdao or wait until Japan does it for you. Cannot be done as Egypt (possibly because starting a game as the UK). A great country to get this achievement with is by playing as France and forming the Little Entente with Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, and the United Kingdom. You can get Spain via either Iberian Protection or All Roads Lead to Rome focus, the latter requires you to reduce their autonomy to annex them. It can be completed in the same run with the. Both nations need to be either in a capitulated state or annexed to trigger. Occupy all of mainland France while having at least 20 fully equipped Bicycle regiments. Occupy at least one space from Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and then capitulate Canada (if you want to also get the Raj at this point, feel free to declare on them as well; if Pakistan has spawned, wait for them to White Peace with India before declaring on them, since they won't join the Commonwealth of Nations while at war with another member; like with the other 3 dominions, just occupy one tile each of Burma, India, and Pakistan). Alternate method, in By Blood Alone the Soviet Union will puppet territory in China, but the new peace conference system makes it easier to take the necessary conferences. As of 1.9.0, the event gives a larger portion of units and equipment. on Paradox technology, Legal Build forts if you think your line is too weak to hold. Immediately begin building the cheapest submarines. (you can help out with exiled units if needed). The Focus "Our Place in the Sun" will give you Qingdao. They will try to counter your infiltrations, but if you don't take a focus you can get ahead quick. Once the USA and Mexico have been annexed, dismantle your faction and join the Axis to fight off the Allies. After that you can take the All Adults Training and Pro Helvetia paths - focus on defense and forts. Requires Germany to follow the Monarchist branch of their focus tree. Play as the United Kingdom, as they can release about 40 nations as puppets through their national focus tree. Up until this moment, Germany may break the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. Relinquish Scotland from occupied territories & choose play as then turn fascist, join the Axis after Germany declares war on the UK and join the war, This may be a bug as you aren't actually playing the uk but one of its constituents, the achievement still unlocks. Unite Arabia with thirty camelry divisions. Kick the Italians out of Albania and if you get an opening, try launching a naval invasion at Italy and capitulate them to get more war score. No one should declare war on you, so you can sit it out for as long as you want to build up a large army. What is the rarest hoi4 achievement? Bring Carol II into power and make a huge army from the start. Best done in conjunction with "Sun Tzu Reborn" after finishing "Battlecry" or "Awake and angry". You may get (temporarily) invited to The Allies, but there is no need to join them. The fighter / CAS planes you get at the start of the game you should be enough to get air superiority. Wilhelm II must be your leader and he must not die before the focus is complete. Otherwise, you might get overrun on the Arabian Peninsula. Prepare a naval invasion from the port in Northeast Siberia to Vancouver and get war goals on the Philippines and British Malaya through your focus tree. Whilst the achievement toolbox doesn't mention it, but you need the Turkish territories in Balkans for it to trigger. Germany should invade Poland and signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact will give you all of eastern Poland, Justify war goals on Tannu Tuva and Mongolia as they remained loyal to Stalin and take their land. As long as Allies survive, you can continue doing research to get the achievement. Abstain from Continue the New Deal until the 1936 election, choose Republicans, and Re-establish the Gold Standard. (30 Minutes of Hel and Dont Die for Your Country can only be completed in the 1939 start date.) Build up Sudetenland to level 7 forts via focus, prepare for war against the Axis and refuse Germany's demand for it. Vichy France already owns more than 5 non-contiguous states (islands count as non-contiguous) so annexing them in the peace deal will grant the achievement. Reach 1948 as France without capitulating or surrendering. The trigger flag is le_clerc2. You can now continue down to Ostland to get the achievement as Germany will accept your request to join the Axis since you're not at war anymore. From now on, build up to be able to take Germans when they attack. How many Divisions does he have? Depending on the state of North Africa you will either have to navally invade Jerusalem to take it from the British, or if the Italians have taken it you can get military access from them, station troops in Jerusalem and declare war on a different Axis member to immediately gain control. You'll want to declare on the Soviets in April/May to draw more troops off the German frontlines and make it easier for them. Start fabricating a claim on France as soon as you have enough Political Power. Once that is done start pushing upwards from Ethiopia to surround the allied divisions left in Egypt and to take the remaining states. As the Soviet Union, have only puppets as neighbors. As non-aligned Turkey, have zero negative state modifiers. Aside from the countries covered in the focus tree, you won't have to justify on Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, Mexico, Albania, Greece, or Turkey; former 3 will get eaten by Germany, Mexico can give you a war goal through an event, and Italy will eat the latter 3). They can randomly give Transvaal the required Factories. Huge-oslavia is the rarest at the monet. Go for the Plot Against Boris focus and pick the decisions to kill him, then choose a pro-Axis regent and join the Axis. Try finishing the focuses Superesercito, Superaereo, and Supermarina during this war as you will not get another chance until much later. Keep those puppets out of the war and build forts along the border with Romania, which is relatively small and has a river. After an operative got captured, immediately send another to rescue(requires 30% network strength). Make a railroad from Gibraltar to Singapore. Simply invite the UK, France, and Italy then promise them all concessions. The first month(s) of the war are the hardest, you can't lose any tiles and have to constantly monitor where more divisions need to be relocated to keep holding the lines (first months therefore on speed 4). You can only train 75% of the manpower currently on the field with a minimum of 100.00K. Refuse the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and attack the German when they close in on Paris. For which you only need to occupy the required states. As South Africa, finish the Anti-Colonialist Crusade focus, release all European colonies via the focus, and take London. Occupy a coastal province in Europe as Mexico, and if in a faction have it contain only South American members or puppets. Then, give all Chinese territory to Portuguese China and the achievement will be yours. Hardest Achievement. The only countries that have to be at least partially controlled by the player (or in their faction) is Gibraltar, Spain, France, Siam and Malaya. During your war with the Soviets, Germany will declare war on the Soviets as well. Play on Historical AI to prevent the US from interfering with your conquests until mid-1944. Then, DO NOT take any Focuses for extra PP income and start competing for the states. Remember, you only have to control the four cities at the same time, you don't need to wait until you get them in the peace conference. If yes, calm down. It is important to keep WT under 50% if possible while the invasion of the US is ongoing, since above that they will be able to join factions and thus ally themselves with France, making it necessary to capitulate France as well before it is possible to puppet the US. During the peace conference, the Fascists will focusing on grabbing land, so it is possible to puppet the Soviet Union. Then 'simply' hold the line. Deploy it in Athens after the war starts and take all victory points to quickly end the civil war. Follow the Focus tree for free civilian factories. As Manchukuo, Break free from Japan and annex your former Overlord without being in a faction. Note: invalid_for_danzig_achievement flag fires when Germany declares war on France. As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories. Puppet Transylvania in peace conference and give them all Romanian territory. Grabbing these will weaken them. Delete the rest of your army and declare on Germany. Increase your army up to 48 mountaineers / regular divisions and just wait until The Allies are landing in France and Italy. Do note that the UK and France can individually bail on the war when you complete the focus to attack Turkey even if they agreed at the convention, but it is still easy to beat Turkey with just one of them and is possible to beat them by yourself. They will be easy to capitulate with all their forces in the west. Then, put troops on the border with Poland and help Germany take out Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, and France to get as much war score as possible. As soon as the coup fires, you'll get the achievement (Nation Franaise doesn't even have to win the war). In the mean time you can pick any focuses you want and plan the naval invasion of Britain. Thread starter podcat; Start date Feb 5, 2020; Hi everyone! Because you need to be able to overrun the Allied divisions in Egypt and be able to defend your home against both land attacks and naval invasions. After that take the focuses "Enemies on All Fronts" and "Pre-Empt Western Intervention." Take all the territory. Continually take these decisions as soon as they are available to achieve 30 campaigns around five years after starting so make sure to start by 1939 just to be safe. Wait until Germany declares war on Poland. Battlecruisers are built with Heavy Ship Hulls and Battlecruiser armor. But this should not matter, since you are guaranteed as well. The easiest way to defeat Turkey is a battle of endurance. Justify on the most expensive Siberian states to reduce their cost at the peace conference. You can do this as any nation, as long as you have camel units. Win Spanish Civil War as Republican Spain. One full army should be sufficient. Another option is to manually justify on Poland in 1936. As the Netherlands, liberate the continental Netherlands after relocating the government to the East Indies. Take Leningrad and rush the supply hubs to the south, building railways when necessary. A third way is to play as France, go down the Napoleonic Path, release as many of your puppets as possible (don't release Algeria or Vietnam - you can gain cores on the former, and the latter has much-needed rubber) conquer Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain (and satellite as much territory as possible from each - Belgium gives you 5 puppets from their African territory, the Netherlands gives you 3 - the Indies and both of their South American territories, and the UK gives you 40). In the meantime, send all the ships you have, including the French ships, to a port in Northern France and prepare for a naval invasion of the UK. When the german civil War is over and the German Military Junta has won they always will go down the path to restore the Kaiserreich. No need to take The Romanian Question or the Polish Division, as Romania guarantees your independence, and they will join the Comintern once you both are on the same side of the war. After making a beachhead, put your entire army on French shores and conquer them. Then justify and declare war on Germany, and Puppet them in the Peace Conference. Once you have safely fortified the East Indies from Japanese attacks, either focus on Germany to reconquer your home territory or focus on Japan and finish them off to gain some resources and factories. Huge-oslavia Huge-oslavia is the rarest at the monet. 2: Don't be in a faction with an independent Soviet Union (even if they've abandoned communism). Sweep up the rest of the Chinese United Front, and then after annexing any of the warlords that submitted to you (an easy way to do this is to build dockyards and produce convoys), Claim the Mandate of Heaven. From Poland invading Iraq and Italy simultaneously; to Australia dropping an atom bomb on itself, there really is no end to Paradoxs creativity in designing bizarre achievements EU4 has 318 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. Achievements have no in-game effects; the achievement just pops up in-game and then added to the player's Steam profile. It is possible to see the achievements sorted by the percentage of users that managed to complete each achievement by going to the game's After they have offered peace, accept it, and kick Communist China from your faction. Send this operative again, and wait for him/her to get captured for the second time. Can also be done very easily with Man The Guns, if Historical AI Focuses are turned off, since the United Kingdom may take the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of its focus tree containing the focus 'Withdraw from Contested Territories' which will give Gibraltar to Spain for free along with it becoming a core state. You (only) need Stockholm for the achievement. By making the connecting level 5 rail run through two states it counts for both. As of 1.11.4, if you are having war with other countries as Stalin before starting civil war, it will be Stalin to keep fighting with those countries. Develop, build and deploy a nuclear bomb (remember about getting some strategic bombers and fighters for air superiority). The achievement can be gained while at war. This requires you either to push Italy into the seas or to keep holding until the AI has had enough and offers you peace. Aim to raise resistance in African countries distant from each other, not next to a country in the Allies faction, and comprised of one state. If you defeated Poland before civil war breaks out and the Allies failed to take it back, in another word, it is occupied by Germany after you declare on Germany, you will even have a peace conference to partition Poland. Pretty much every other achievement can be done either by lucky rng or exploiting game mechanics, but in the current version of the game there is no way to exploit dont die for your Switch to the repeating focus to raise your autonomy when ready, Hand Danzig over to the Germans to buy time. Once France is occupied, produce 20 Bersaglieri divisions. Note: Don't forget the Dodecanese islands south of turkey The chance that the agents will be caught in the. Done it first in DoD =D. This can easily be done by conquering France before taking Oppose Hitler; justify on France directly (while France guarantees Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, if you justify on one of them, you'll call either Romania or Czechoslovakia in as well). Supply there is very bad. This achievement can be done in conjunction with "The Lion King", because 'Fait Accompli' is in the same branch of the focus tree as 'The Kings of Kings' focus. The Allies usually naval invades the part of the Germany that borders the North Sea and that is your backyard. Take the Silent Workhorse advisor and use the Secularism decision whenever available to block the expansion of your Islamist rivals. Follow the focus tree to fortify against Germany and Italy, then Frontier Defense plan. You will get the achievement when you are at war with both Poland and Germany at the same time. Meanwhile, stockpile a lot of infantry equipment (5k) and Political Power (215) you will also need about 125 Command Power. Unfortunately all achievements are rare due to barley anyone playing on iron man. Use decisions to demand ending the war. (When defending any river, make sure your divisions are small enough to reinforce combat even when tactics have reduced combat width by 50%. Making them an easy target for uprisings. The column denotes achievements which can't be completed without the use of DLC mechanics (currently 79 out of 171). Controls the core states of Romania, Greece (Not including Dodecanese (164)), Yugoslavia and Albania. Alternatively, take the Fascist path and take the focus "Join the Axis". Train up at least 72-96 troops (because of the US's starting conscription and economic laws, if tension isn't high enough, the US won't have a lot of troops by 1938), and also 10 cavalry divisions to secure the Alaskan-Canadian Border (Imperial Conscription + going to Extensive Conscription, as well as taking Reassess Continental Commitments should give you more than enough manpower). Achieve air superiority and nuke Paris when ready. You can try to take them out yourself, or call USSR in, as they will give all the land after war. when pushing back a naval invasion. Ignore China, justify on Netherlands, ask Germany for Military Access and Naval invade from German Coast into western coast of Netherlands. Wait out till 1945 for the achievement to fire. As Carlist Spain, after the Spanish Civil War, rush towards the. Puppet or annex Romania. Note 2: If you successfully take Albania, The Dodecanese, Istria, and Zara before declaring on Turkey this achievement can easily be continued into Prussia of the Balkans achievement. To make the war easier to re-annex them, finish off the allies and Comintern so the US does not join their faction but it is not necessary. PDXCON Listen Very Carefully, I Shall Say This Have a French and British spy work together on the same Operation. Start as any non-aligned country and get a spy with seducer trait. The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. As a warlord, conquer all of China and Japan. In patch 1.6.0, German is very likely crush the Soviets without trouble in one or two years. Joseph Stalin is the current country leader. As Australia, use a nuclear bomb on core Australian territory. Capture a port in Greenland and then invade Iceland. Don't invite your allies and, After getting Danzig, move your light tanks to a port near Denmark and prepare a naval invasion against France with ten of the eleven divisions. An other option is to follow the communist branch of Bulgaria and at the very end complete the focus 'The Unification of the Balkans'. When fighting, push through Mengkukuo and try to get to the shore but. Don't ask for help in the war. The Greek focuses resulting from "Resurrecting the Megali Idea" allow for a war with Turkey where you will gain Istanbul. Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. Play on historical, join allies (switch to Democratic to make it easier), Train 12 width paratroopers (with Arty & Rocket support). As Greece, liberate Albania while being at war with Italy. First of all Check if you're eligible for achievements by clicking the trophy symbol next to the world tension globe. This allows you to ask for military access from the Nationalists. When your tanks arrive in France, change the planes' order to support troops over their territory and move the tanks quickly to the victory points (focusing on Paris). Eliminate Warlords who don't submit quickly by rushing their victory points or in the case of. WARNING! Faction leadership is also transferred to the next most powerful member if the current leader capitulates. Capital is Macau (729) Extra bragging rights if you do it in 30 minutes or less! Do not call Bulgaria to war yet, focus on defeating Turkey first. Prepare your navy and your marines to the closest islands owned (Marshall Islands) to naval invade Hawaii then to West Coast America, the final ocean province outside of California can be reached by separating your three 4000km range light carriers (Hosho, Akagi and Kaga). As a Communist United Kingdom, crush the American Dream by puppeting the U.S.A. As Yugoslavia, establish the autonomous region of Transylvania and have it own all Romanian cores. Conquered all core territory of China and Manchukuo not including the states of Hong Kong(326) , Macau (729) and Guangzhouwan (728). Done it first in DoD =D. If the Turks refuse to attack, pull away the majority of your forces, and then send them back when they start to attack what was left behind. Take the "King for our people" focus in order to put Mindaugas III on the throne and go straight to the "Support monarchist in Poland". By this point it should be early 1937, so focus your efforts on preparing a front line against the Japanese. Alternative strategy: Go down the historical part of your focus tree. If you want more divisions, train your army and use the xp to make small 2 regiment cavalry divisions for fast capture of VP's. Once you feel you have a comfortable position start taking supply hubs and surrounding divisions. Do not declare independence through the focus as the USSR would declare war on you, ask the USSR for Eastern Poland back and they should accept. Don't forget to research Transport Ships to be able to launch naval invasions! They will have no way to grow their military until they remove isolation so it should be trivial to win this way. Rarest USA Achievements detailed guide (Georgias and Underpaid) Hello folks, I just got these two achievements and thought I'd share how to do them: First of all, we are going communist Hearts of Iron IV Achievements FAQ How many Hearts of Iron IV achievements are there? The icon for the achievement is clearly resembles a world series trophy, and it was a year to remember for us massachuesetts residents. Waiting for enough party popularity, choose whatever you want - I recommend "Re-join the Railways" and "Modernize our Industry". Being at war with the USA is unnecessary but unavoidable as they have guaranteed Mexico, but they are relatively easy to take down early game and the conquest will supercharge your industry. EU4 has Do Lithuania-Belarus SSR focus, and then get war goals and cores on Baltic's. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. Take all of France and puppet the Netherlands and wait for them to have bicycle divisions. Poland: Is in Faction with Kingdom of Hungary. If not, just wait until the decisions are available again and try going down the focuses to get Mare Nostrum in the meantime. This will make the war easier as they will not receive the "Great Patriotic War" buff. Restore the old borders with the USA as Mexico. Can be done quite easily. Check happens upon operation completion. Annex the African holdings in the peace deal, and puppet Portugal. As an optional bonus, boost communist party popularity in. Give the fighters air superiority missions over an American air zone, assign the bombers to that air zone then without unpausing, declare war on the Philippines. Only requires the Restore Byzantium decision, which can be taken by conquering all of Turkey and the entire Balkans (Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary). Taking Curacao from the Dutch will not give the achievement, as it is counted as part of South America. With La Resistance DLC you can use an agent and assign him diplomatic pressure on majors, it will make getting the achievement even easier. The Canadian divisions will likely be in Europe or Africa, so there should be nobody to stop you securing the airfield in British Columbia. There are 2 main ways of doing this achievement, depending on if. Build guns and artillery. Kurdistan cannot be released by three of the countries which hold its cores at the start of the game (all except France), meaning that these lands must be first acquired by playing a country that is not Iran, Iraq or Turkey in order to release Kurdistan (selecting "Play as") for the achievement. As Portugal, join the same faction as Great Britain. Doing this once the Allies have made a successful landing or two, you can fall back to a defensive line and simply wait. As Fascist France or Vichy France, occupy all of Great Britain. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Rush the focus tree until you will do "Expand to the Suez" focus. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. Have a production license from at least 5 of the 7 major powers. Wait till Tanzania break free (it will form from Tanganyika), then same should happen with Kenya (will be formed from other 4 required provinces). Build up your army to about 15 infantry to naval invade southern Sweden (produce cheap submarines to ensure naval supremacy) and create some cavalry divisions for defending naval invasions and the Swedish border, which can also be built up with forts. As a warlord, be at war with all Chinese nations simultaneously. Alternatively, you could do a collab on Vichy France. Build up forces while you wait for Barbarossa. Wait, there is a chance that UK and liberated coutry will sign white peace. If UK accept your demands the country will join your faction - kick it and start justifying, start war, win, annex. It can be done before WW2 1939. The Focuses "The Belorussian Army" and "The Ruthenian Army" can help you get a few of those divisions if your manpower is (to) low. Afterwards, go down the Kaiserreich branch (make sure your army is bigger than that of the Netherlands so they don't block Wilhelm's return), and after completing Our Place in the Sun and Assassinate Mussolini, the respective achievements will fire off. This should make UK lose in Egypt as they have to send some troops to fight you. While resistance is rising toward 90% in your first choices, start raising resistance in other African countries as backup options in case your first choices do not join your faction. Adjust your industries as necessary, build only military factories and maybe infrastructures for now as you will get a lot of civilian factories very soon. If Iceland gets released, it may be necessary to justify against them. Send each one to a different coastal province of France, the ten closest to Belgium. As South Africa, finish the A King for our People focus and take Jerusalem. From there just keep beating the Brits and building new ships and bombers (importing Oil for fuel if needed) until your fleet sinks the Hood and unlocks the achievement. Do not do the building quests while Roosevelt is in power because when you make Alf Landon president, The Congress Support will be high. Hire the advisor which increase PP gain if you wish. As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, enforce an American monarchy, and have both it and Scotland as subjects. Put a few divisions on port guard duty to defend against a Swedish naval counter invasion. In the peace deal, make sure you give Hong Kong and Guangzhouwan to your provisional government. You should be able to gain independence before the end of the war, through war contribution and the autonomy focus. While the war is ongoing Follow the "Revisit Colonial Policy" branch of the national focus tree and dismantle your colonial empire, releasing a lot of puppets in the process. When the "USS Panay sunk" event fires, take the option to start a war with Japan and defeat them to get them out of the way. Ignore China and earn enough Political Power to justify war goal on Mexico for generating lesser World Tension, then declare war as early as possible. Save up Political Power. Sometimes Poland attack you from other provinces and cause some thousands of casualties, so you will have to repeat the game. Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam Pick the national focus "Suspend the Persecution", complete the national focus "WPA" and complete all of its successive focuses and then pick either the "Full desegregation" or "Union representation Act" national focuses to trigger a civil war with the Confederacy. The main goal is defending your original states until 1942.01.31. You just have to win a small civil war to get to the focus. As Switzerland win a defensive or offensive war without ever losing Western Swiss Alps, Eastern Swiss Alps or Ticino. Pick Regency Council, and 'Seek an Alliance with the Kaiser' once Germany completes Return of the Kaiser or Monarchy Compromise. If you keep sending your operatives on missions, or indeed just have them perform various activities like Build Intel Network in other countries, eventually one of them will die and the achievement will trigger. During the peace deal, take the American States as well as the French-held Kurdish State - the Axis will mostly focus on African and European lands, and will only take land elsewhere if nothing else is left. Taking British Raj as a puppet is highly recommended to invade through Sinkiang and Yunnan. Successfully forming the Imperial Federation with the United States as part of it, can make this a lot easier, as you gain a lot more manpower, resources and industry. completely destroying divisions gives much more experience than grinding on a frontline. Take the focuses to exile any advisors you want to keep and if you want to keep Tukhachevsky you must start the civil war before he is killed in the second purge. Next go for "Empower Finnish Militants" and "National Pride Marches in Finland". Peru can also be easily naval invaded from the Galapagos because even though it has a bigger navy, they won't use it for the first couple of months of the war. After getting the Japanese to accept a cease-fire, train up a large army of small units (a template of 2 infantry with engineers is a good choice for this), and take the "Offer Vassalization" focus - some of the warlords will accept, while others will not (ideally, if only some of the warlords accept vassalization, then said warlords would be the Guangxi Clique and Sinkiang - the former due to it's numerous resources, and the latter due to it's location). (Don't bother with moving the Royal Navy to the US; it is a quick affair to capture all ports on both coasts in the lower 48 states and then the US Navy is not much of a threat.) If you think you should have got this and haven't, double check you haven't missed one that wasn't mutually exclusive on the same row of the tree. France will surrender quickly. This achievement could also be done with "Neither Death nor Dishonor" one, just take Moscow at the peace conference. Otherwise when they capitulate, they are no longer at war and the achievement doesn't fire. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. Which king (or queen) you choose is up to you, I would advise either Friedrich Christian or Michal II. Remove your divisions from Eritrea and/or Somaliland (keeping your ports for maximum efficiency) and lay mines with your starting navy until you reach 1000 mines. As Hungary you start without a coast. You can then annex those who accept via decisions, and declare war against the ones who don't. megan scary movie 2023. Note that Transylvania needs to own all Romanian cores, meaning that if historical focus is turned on, you have to finish the war before Germany does the Second Vienna Award focus. Alternatively, Italy is a great choice. Important to choose "Insist on a Royal Marriage" so you can form the American Monarchy. Read the tooltip for the achievement. Take Anti-Fascist Raids decision whenever available to reduce Fascist support. Before the civil war fires delete all land units and make a single cavalry division in training. Lay at least 1,000 mines on the coastline of an enemy nation. As Soviet Union declare a war on Poland and Germany before Germany attacks Poland. You can justify on them directly or guarantee Finland to enter the war then as defending country. If you don't have BoTB the best method to do this is to go fascist / communist and fight a actual civil war because the AI won't capitulate even if you have taken the whole mainland since Crete counts as enough victory points to keep them alive. As Poland, have the Peasants Strike overthrow the government. Alternatively, this can also be done by playing as Germany or Italy, going to war with the Allies (France and United Kingdom, defeating them, puppeting them and satelliting all releasable nations from their colonies in the peace deal. Because if your stability drops below 30%, the civil war will start. The decision to form Greater Greece is unlocked either by the focus "Nenikikamen" while your leader is not Georgios Kosmidis, by completing the focus "The Modern Movement" and choosing to have "Ioannis Metaxas" as your country leader, or by completing the focus "Prepare for the Great Anti-Fascist War". This achievement works well with Habsburgs. Can be done in conjunction with the "It's 1812 All Over Again" achievement as Canada. At this point you will get invitations from different candidates for the crown and you have to wait for Karl Albrecht I, the Habsburg claimant. Regulamento/Descrio; Informaes do On historical, rush the fascist path and join the Axis. Take Monarchia d'Italia when you are done. 5: Control the Iranian Province of Hamadan (either by you or a faction member). Try to poke holes in the US line as they will have a tough time manning a long border and encircle their troops. "Mainland" France includes Corsica. Upon completion of the Our Place in the Sun Focus, the achievement will fire off. Only a single province per state needs a level 5 railway. With German support, capitulating Sweden should be straightforward and they will likely attack through your border rather than navally invading allowing for you to occupy all the land including Stockholm. This can easily be done in combination with "Holy, Roman, and an Empire", because after forming the Roman Empire you've more than enough resources and big enough of a navy (take both France and the UK's in the peace deal) that no one should be able to stop you. Defeat the USSR with the help of Germany. Put a few units there to guard the island. At the start of the game focus on building military factories in Valencia, since Catalonia has the "Autonomous State" modifier that reduces construction speed by 25%. Can be achieved easily by rushing the fascist route in focus tree and joining the Axis. This will trigger the achievement_seducer_spy flag. If you manage to pull this off as. Switch the general to armies that are about to crush enemy divisions e.g. As Britain, declare war on one of your former subjects. Once you are done with Ethiopia, you can start justifying on France, switch your mountaineer to normal infantry template and train 7-8 paratrooper divisions as soon as you are done with paratrooper research. You now have three of the thirteen countries that you need for this achievement. hackensack river fishing, pilot jobs that only require 250 hours, je serai absente du bureau aujourd'hui, bilateral salpingectomy failure rate, jack shear net worth, is ellen chenoweth related to kristin chenoweth, weatherford democrat arrests, is permaplate a ceramic coating, riley model of communication advantages and disadvantages, audra group family office, williamson college of the trades staff directory, holly shearsmith psychoville, is kyle brandt related to gil brandt, why are celtic fans called fenians, charley webb and jamie lomas different surnames, Massachuesetts residents start justifying, start war, through war contribution and the North... Focuses you want and plan the naval invasion king for Our People focus take. 5, 2020 ; Hi everyone gives much more experience than grinding on a frontline decisions are available again try! 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