The defendant prevailed in 83% of trials. Retinal detachment in eyes undergoing pars plana vitrectomy for removal of retained lens fragments. When evaluated for indemnity payment or no payment, the male-to-female physician ratios were 27:5 and 66:9, respectively. The result of multivariate analysis and the estimated effect of each predictor are summarized in Table 10. Disposition Case settled on behalf of insured ophthalmologist and ophthalmic group. Scott IU, Flynn HW, Jr, Smiddy WE, et al. These items can be broadly separated into those pertaining to (1) the physician, (2) the patient, (3) preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative clinical data, and (4) the litigation. Vitrectomy for removal of retained lens material. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the These manipulations included use of a lens loop, an attempt at impaling the lens with a microvitreoretinal blade, irrigation to float the lens, and pars plana vitrectomy by the cataract surgeon. Postoperatively, the patient developed hypotony and fibrin reaction. They found that the claims frequency for ophthalmology was slightly lower than the average for all specialties and was in between nephrology and diagnostic radiology. Immediate pars plana vitrectomy improves outcome in retained intravitreal lens fragments after phacoemulsification. It is important to remember that the eye with retained lens fragments may have significant inflammation not only from the lens material but also from concomitant infectious endophthalmitis.60 Therefore, vigilant follow-up and prompt referral of patients with suspected endophthalmitis is recommended. government site. During phacoemulsification of the left eye, the nucleus dropped posteriorly and attempts were made to retrieve it with a spatula without success. Also, claims with worse final visual acuity tended to have higher indemnity payments (Figure 6). Malpractice claims involving delayed diagnosis or treatment of endophthalmitis tend to have a high amount of indemnity payments.10 The largest amount of indemnity payment in this study was also for a claim from a patient who developed endophthalmitis in the setting of retained lens fragment but allegedly had a delayed diagnosis and referral for management of endophthalmitis. Ways to reduce significant vision loss, including improved management of corneal edema and IOP, and timely referral to a subspecialist should be considered. A claim may include institution of a lawsuit or arbitration proceedings against the insured. Given this time lag between the cataract surgery and beginning of litigation and the long duration to resolve a claim, the documentation is the most important supporting material to any case. For those claims with greater than 2 logMAR worsening in visual acuity, 62% resulted in an indemnity payment averaging $158,500. Whether the findings of this study are representative depends on whether physicians who were covered by the insurance carrier of this study were more or less likely to be sued than physicians who were insured elsewhere. Another study found that 7.4% of all physicians had a malpractice claim each year, with 1.6% having a claim leading to a payment.5 The proportion of physicians facing a claim each year ranged from 2.6% in psychiatry to 19.1% in neurosurgery. For cataract surgery litigation, 119 cases (21 percent) led to settlements, totaling $22.9 million. Timing of referral and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) were statistically significant in univariate analyses but not in multivariate analyses for a trial. Cheney FW, Posner K, Caplan RA, Ward RJ. Therefore, it would be interesting to continue to monitor closed claim incidence trends of this complication. Half of all claims in this study were referred within 1 week of cataract surgery or the same day as detection of the retinal detachment. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, improper application of anesthesia, such as globe perforation, and, a variety of post-operative complications, such as swelling, Pre-suit requirements like screening panels, advance notice of the lawsuit, mandatory settlement negotiations and ", Expert witnesses experienced in the particular field of health care must testify on behalf of either, The total amount a plaintiff can recover from a health care provider might be limited by a ". Of the 108 defendants, 105 (97%) were cataract surgeons and only 3 (3%) were retinal surgeons. Cataracts cause foggy or blurred vision that makes it hard to do everything from reading to Retained lens fragment in the anterior segment as a cause of recurrent anterior uveitis. They disclosed that they felt it was appropriate to have attempted to remove the lens, but, once he got to the back of the eye and saw what he was dealing with, he should have quit and called the retina surgeon rather than attempting retrieval further. They believed that he was not experienced enough to proceed as he had. Hickson GB, Clayton EW, Githens PB, Sloan FA. A steroid drop prescribed by your ophthalmologist can help. The most common additional surgical procedure was pars plana vitrectomy to remove retained lens material or to manage retinal detachment, but procedures to manage IOL, glaucoma, corneal decompensation, and strabismus were also performed (Table 3). An opening in the inferior portion of the posterior capsule was seen and retinal detachment was confirmed. Bricks study on cataract surgery claims also recommends earlier referral if there was a potential for retinal complications.10. Ophthalmic malpractice lawsuits with large monetary awards. Later records indicate that the patient complained of blurry vision from the presence of a vitreous strand. Once an insured becomes aware that a wrong site surgery or incorrect power iOL insertion has occurred, the incident should be reported to OMICs Claims Department or confidential Risk Management hotline at (800) 562-6642, option 2 Although claims from Illinois, Texas, and California accounted for 42% of all claims, claims from Illinois were more likely to go to trial or settlement, and claims from Texas and California were more likely to be dismissed. Stenkula S, Byhr E, Crafoord S, et al. Although the retina can detach not only after cataract surgery but also during or after pars plana vitrectomy by the retina specialist to manage retained lens fragments, it is interesting to note that the cataract surgeon was still more likely to be named as the defendant in this study. Of the 66 claims that were dismissed, Texas had the most claims with 14, followed by Louisiana with 9, California with 8, Illinois with 7, Virginia and Florida each with 4, Kentucky and Colorado each with 3, Arizona, Michigan, and Missouri each with 2, and Alabama, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, each with one claim. Therefore, claims related to cataract surgery accounted for 33% of all closed claims during this period, and cataract surgeries complicated by retained lens fragments accounted for 4% of all closed claims and 12.5% of cataract-related claims. In comparison, 30% of 108 claims related to retained lens fragments resulted in an indemnity payment with an average payment of $117,688. Ross WH. Data on age was available for 101 claimants. No indemnity payment was made in claims that went on to a trial but the verdict was in favor of the defendant or in claims that were dismissed or closed without compensation. This trend may reflect increased popularity and adaptation of phacoemulsification by cataract surgeons in the mid-1990s and increased complication rates during transition period from extracapsular cataract surgery. They found significantly better clinical outcomes with earlier vitrectomy for retained lens fragments with regard to visual acuity, retinal detachment, increased intraocular pressure, intraocular infection, and inflammation. However, these numbers may reflect the states in which OMIC has a major presence, since these are also states in which OMIC has the highest number of insured ophthalmologists. National costs of the medical liability system. The cataract surgeon felt strongly that he was not at fault and wished to go to a trial rather than settle. Clinical features and outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy in patients with retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Just as the meta-analysis showed that the best time to remove retained lens fragments by vitrectomy might be during the latter part of the first week and possibly up to 2 weeks after the cataract surgery for better clinical outcome,78 this study also found that claims with earlier referral were more easily defended and were less likely to result in a trial or a payment. Medical professional liability claims and premiums. Preoperative visual acuity was the visual acuity shortly prior to cataract surgery. Claims data from the Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC) represent a unique opportunity to examine the medicolegal risks associated with ophthalmology. The OMIC Professional Liability Policy defines a claim as a written notice or demand for money or services by the patient (plaintiff) to the insured (physician or entity) for compensation from a medical incident. Merani R, Hunyor AP, Playfair TJ, et al. Teo L, Chee SP. Por YM, Chee SP. Two weeks later, visual acuity was hand motions. The case was closed with an indemnity payment of $215,000. Cohen SM, Davis A, Cukrowski C. Cystoid macular edema after pars plana vitrectomy for retained lens fragments. Holak sued Tyson and Eye Associates. In one of the claims, the cataract surgeon, who had some retinal training, attempted retrieval of the posteriorly dislocated lens material. ADDITIONAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES PERFORMED TO MANAGE COMPLICATIONS FROM RETAINED LENS FRAGMENTS. Kachalia A, Kaufman SR, Boothman R, et al. Even when a trial ended in favor of a defendant and no payment was made to the plaintiff, the legal expenses were nearly twice that of claims that settled. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Hickson GB, Federspiel CF, Pichert JW, Miller CS, Gauld-Jaeger J, Bost P. Patient complaints and malpractice risk. During the surgery, the new lens was too small due to a For the use in multivariate modeling, an optimal transformation from the Box-Cox family was calculated for each nonnegative continuous variable. Ali N, Little BC. When there was a trial, the verdict was likely to be in favor of the defendant, similar to most malpractice claims. This study was not designed to answer whether claims resulted from lack of adherence to practice guidelines or standard of care. The .gov means its official. In summary, although reported in the literature to be an infrequent complication of cataract surgeries, over 12% of cataract-related closed claims during a 21-year period were found to be associated with the complication of retained lens fragments. The estimated incidence of the complication of retained or dropped lens fragment in the literature is 0.1% to 1.6% of cataract surgeries, but in the current study 12.5% of closed claims related to cataract surgery were associated with retained lens fragments. Sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, OMIC is the largest professional liability insurer for ophthalmologists in the United States, currently insuring over 4,300 ophthalmologists throughout the 49 states (all states except Wisconsin). Bettman JW. Kane CK. The complication of capsular tear and retained lens fragments was further aggravated by development of corneal wound dehiscence, corneal ulcer, and endophthalmitis. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) framework to sustainably reduce wrong intraocular lens (IOL) implants in cataract surgery. Learn more Some cases that opened in more recent years are still open and are not a part of this study, since both the legal outcome and expenses were required for the analyses. The needle impaled the lens and tore the lens capsule. Medical malpractice experiences of vitreoretinal specialists: risk prevention strategies. Complications of retained nuclear fragments in the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification with posterior chamber lens implant. WebBetween 1987 and 2008, about 220 cases of cataract surgery mistakes were filed with OMIC, and about 80 percent of those involved wrong power, wrong measurement or wrong IOL implantation. Management of dislocated lens material. 4,11,79,8385 Medical liability claims are more common among older physicians than among young, yet inexperienced, physicians, because the older physicians have been in practice for a longer period of time and have had greater exposure to the possibility of claims. Therefore, ways to prevent severe loss of vision, such as avoiding aggressive intraoperative manipulations that may increase the risk of retinal detachment, optimal management of intraocular inflammation to prevent corneal edema or glaucoma, and early referral when there is a significant decline in vision, uncontrolled inflammation, or other potential problems, should be considered to improve patient safety and enhance patient care. OMIC is a large, physician-owned, professional liability insurer that provides coverage to private practice ophthalmologists in the District of Columbia and every state except Wisconsin. Schutz JS, Mavrakanas NA. This study estimated that 75% of physicians in low-risk specialties and 99% of physicians in high-risk specialties had faced a malpractice claim by the age of 65 years. Socioeconomic Characteristics of Medical Practice 1997/98. These transformed variables were used in further analyses. Therefore, medical malpractice added over $55 billion to the nations total healthcare costs both directly through malpractice claims and indirectly to avoid claims.95 The investigators went on to comment that even though the vast majority of claims are dropped or decided in favor of physicians, the understandable fear of meritless lawsuits can influence how and where physicians practice, when they retire, and how often they practice wasteful defensive medicine. Others have implemented medical error disclosure programs and found a subsequent decline in the number of liability claims and legal costs.96 Although this current study was not meant to address ways to decrease costs of malpractice, following the recommendations addressed in the study could reduce legal risks and improve patient safety and outcomes, which may result in fewer claims and legal costs. After 2 surgeries within 2 wks on same eye, it is slow to heal, having difficulty seeing, having soreness & pain. Leaming DV. 5.3k views Reviewed >2 years ago. Most previous studies on malpractice claims compared only the groups that went on to indemnity payment vs no payment. Mean preoperative visual acuity of the eye involved in the claim was 20/80 (range, 20/25 to hand motions). Dr. Poole performed cataract surgery on DeFrankos eyes over the course of one month. One of the most devastating complications after any ophthalmic surgical procedure that can result in profound visual loss is endophthalmitis. The distribution of claims resulting in a trial, settlement, dismissal, and indemnity payment seen in this study compares favorably to the current medical liability market for all medical specialties. Referral to a subspecialist more than 1 week after the cataract surgery and development of inflammation severe enough to affect the cornea and intraocular pressure were additional factors associated with a claim resulting in an indemnity payment. Accessibility FINAL DISPOSITION OF CLOSED CLAIMS RESULTING FROM CATARACT SURGERY COMPLICATED BY RETAINED LENS FRAGMENTS. Intermittent corneal edema due to anterior segment retained lens fragments. The aims of this study were to review information available on claims data to highlight associated factors from exemplary cases among claims related to cataract surgery complicated by retained lens fragments, and to analyze factors that are associated with legal outcomes of trial, settlement, dismissal, and indemnity payment in order to identify ways to improve patient outcome and risk management. The verdict was 6 for plaintiff and 2 for defendant. Each log unit of visual acuity loss resulted in more than a twofold increase in likelihood of a claim going to a trial or resulting in an indemnity payment. The patient was referred 1 month after the initial cataract surgery to a retina specialist and underwent two pars plana vitrectomy surgeries, corneal wound closure, and intravitreal antibiotic injections. Smiddy WE, Flynn HW, Jr, Kim JE. AC IOL, anterior chamber intraocular lens; IOP, intraocular pressure; PC IOL, posterior chamber intraocular lens; VA, visual acuity. On average, a claim took 28.8 21.2 months to close. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE ANALYSIS VARIABLES GROUPED BY WHETHER INDEMNITY WAS PAID. It is often believed that patients who achieve good visual outcomes are less likely to be angry and are less likely to sue than patients who experience complications and poor visual outcomes. PMC legacy view In: Gonzalez ML, editor. All 3 claims were dismissed due to lack of prosecution and closed without payment. If any of these associated conditions are present or suspected and cannot be adequately managed by the cataract surgeon, prompt referral is advised. Romero-Aroca P, Fernndez-Ballart J, Mndez-Marn I, Salvat-Serra M, Baget-Bernaldiz M, Buil-Calvo JA. In all cases, retinal detachment occurred, 5 after the cataract surgery and 2 after pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy by retinal specialists. When the complication resulted in a claim, there was an average of 15.5 months between the cataract surgery and opening of the case by the insurance company, which was soon after the insureds notification of being served with the litigation paper. Among these 10 cases, general anesthesia was not cleared, and the surgery was performed under monitored sedation in 1 case, the patient woke up suddenly during surgery in 2 cases, and the patient reportedly moved suddenly during the cataract surgery in 4 cases. More than one of these complications was noted in 31 cases. The new PMC design is here! The negligent act must be a proximate cause of the plaintiffs injuries, which means the act was necessary for the injury when and in the manner it occurred, and the injury must be a foreseeable consequence of the negligent act. The time between the date of cataract surgery and the date of evaluation by a specialist to further manage the complications of retained lens fragments was a median of 7 days (range, same day to 15 months) in this study. After doing an investigation we discovered that ophthalmologists used the wrong replacement lens. Boscher C, Lebuisson DA, Lean JS, Nguyen-Khoa JL. Michels RG, Shacklett DE. One set of analyses was performed for those that resulted in indemnity payment vs no payment. 0 likes, 62 replies Report / Delete New discussion Reply 62 Replies May M, Stengel B. The costs including indemnity payments and defense costs are summarized in Table 5. Early vitrectomy was considered to be between days 3 and 7 after the cataract surgery in their study. In one case, the physicians honesty was questioned when the operative note was dictated 1 week after the incident and appeared to be dictated in a manner to cover up the damages. In the univariate analysis the P values for continuous variables were calculated based on nonparametric tests: Wilcoxon rank sum test for two groups (indemnity payment vs no indemnity payment) and Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test for multiple groups (trial vs settlement vs dismissed). The remaining 9 cases (10%) were left aphakic by the cataract surgeon. In 9 cases, the retained lens material was managed without additional surgery and patients were observed. What helps? Furthermore, these malpractice claims data can be used to identify ways to improve patient safety, develop risk management programs, and provide an excellent opportunity to enhance patient care related to an ophthalmic subspecialty or an ophthalmic procedure. In all cases, the case file opened within 2 weeks of the insureds reporting of receiving a claim or a suit. In 33 eyes, preexisting ocular conditions were noted, and these included age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, high myopia, floppy iris syndrome, prior trauma, retinal vein occlusions, and pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Beckman HB, Markakis KM, Suchman AL, Frankel RM. All variables significant at a 10% level in the univariate analyses were included in a multivariate proportional odds regression model. In this study, 23 (72%) of 32 cases with indemnity payments had final visual acuity of 20/200 or worse. From the Department of Ophthalmology (Dr Kim) and the Division of Biostatistics (Dr Szabo), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,Wisconsin, and Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company, San Francisco, California (Mr Weber). Pars plana vitrectomy for the management of retained lens material after cataract surgery. He also damaged the film over the However, when refractive surprises occur with no warning after routine cataract surgery, it is important to stay calm. ESTIMATES FROM THE MULTIVARIATE PROPORTIONAL ODDS MODEL FOR THE 3-WAY GROUPING OF THE OUTCOME FOR CATARACT SURGERIES COMPLICATED BY RETAINED LENS FRAGMENTS. Hui JI, Fishler J, Karp CL, Shuler MF, Gedde SJ. Review of the literature indicates that complications associated with retained lens material include inflammation, corneal edema, elevated intraocular pressure, hypotony, subluxation or dislocation of IOL, retinal tears or detachments, vitreous hemorrhage, choroidal hemorrhage, cystoid macular edema, epiretinal membrane, and endophthalmitis. Furthermore, a review of closed claims by Studdert and colleagues80 showed that no injury had occurred in 3% of malpractice claims, and there had been no error in another 37% of claims. Since corneal edema is a common finding in eyes with retained lens fragments, close postoperative monitoring and appropriate treatment are advised.2022,27 Furthermore, the cataract surgeon should minimize significant trauma to the cornea intraoperatively during an effort to handle posterior dislocation of the lens material. The plaintiff alleges that on June 17, 2013 she underwent a second surgery on her left eye to install the proper implant and that afterward she continued to have difficulty seeing out of the eye. A suit is defined as a formal legal action initiated in the courts by the filing of a complaint seeking a remedy (usually money) by the plaintiff and requiring a formal response from the physician or the entity (defendant). It also does not answer whether true negligence and damage were present in these malpractice claims. For the current study, the claims were categorized into those that went on to a trial, settlement, or dismissal, and those with or without indemnity payment. The log-transformation implies that the effect of these variables is multiplicative. My father had cataract surgery two years ago. will also be available for a limited time. Glaucoma was defined as elevated intraocular pressure requiring pressure-lowering medication or documented visual field defect. The Dr Kim has been on the advisory board for Alimera Science, Allergan, and Genentech. Therefore, it appears that same-day vitrectomy is not necessary, and it may be better to allow the eye to recover from the complicated cataract surgery prior to vitrectomy. Small lens fragments can reabsorb over time and can be monitored by the cataract surgeon or managed medically as long as further complications do not occur.23,32,35,64 Interestingly, systematic review by Vanner and Stewart78 found that only 2% of cases in the literature were medically managed, whereas 9% of claims in the current study had been observed. In addition to the review of the closed claim cases related to the complication of retained lens fragments, other data that were thought to be relevant to the study were obtained from OMIC and analyzed for comparison with the findings from this study. The doctor used a technical lens for my right eye and a standard lens for the left one. The doctor-patient relationship and malpractice: lessons from plaintiff depositions. More than 50% of obstetricians and gynecologists have already been sued before they reached the age of 40 years, and 90% of general surgeons aged 55 years and older have been sued. 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy for removal of retained lens fragments. Furthermore, there was a wide variation in the size of indemnity payment (payment to a plaintiff) across specialties, and the specialties that were most likely to face indemnity claims were often not those with the highest average payments.5 For example, pediatrics was 24th among 25 specialties with regard to proportion of physicians facing a malpractice claim annually, but it had the highest mean amount of indemnity payment. This study was carried out for a number of reasons: (1) the absence of published studies addressing the legal outcomes for this complication despite the number of cataract surgeries being performed in the United States; (2) tremendous interest in the management and outcomes of this potentially visually devastating complication based on the large number of published studies on this topic; (3) the relevance of study findings to both the anterior and posterior segment specialists; and (4) a potential to improve patient outcomes. In all cases, final visual acuity was 20/200 or worse, including 2 cases of no light perception. Claims that were dismissed, dropped, or closed without compensation were combined as dismissed, and the term dismissed was used interchangeably with closed without compensation, dropped, and withdrawn, unless specified. Clinical predictors and outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy for retained lens material after cataract extraction. Some cases that opened in more recent years are still open and are not a part of this study. Retained intravitreal lens fragments after cataract surgery. The claim was reported 2 years after the cataract surgery and closed 1 year later. It appeared that the nucleus was resting on the optic nerve. Kraushar MF. Breakdown by ophthalmic subspecialty of the policyholders was not available. A study based on a survey of retina specialists recommended that vitreoretinal surgeons should place an increased importance on the informed consent process and the patient/doctor relationship in order to improve risk management.16 Informed consent is a process rather than a form. Her preoperative visual acuity was 20/25 in the right eye and 20/60 in the left eye, which fell to 20/400 with glare testing. Therefore, cases that start out with poor visual acuity and end up with poor final visual acuity are less likely to result in a trial, settlement, or indemnity payment than cases with relatively good preoperative visual acuity that end up with poor final visual acuity. Ho and colleagues37 recommended that cataract surgeons refer patients with retained lens fragments to a retina specialist within 7 days for consideration of a pars plana vitrectomy to decrease the risk of developing secondary glaucoma. All variables significant in the univariate analyses were included in a multivariate logistic regression model. Expert testimony. The data accumulation adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki and conformed with all federal and state laws and HIPAA guidelines. Dr made larger incision & needed stitches. Kim JE, Flynn HW, Jr, Smiddy WE, et al. The overwhelming majority of allegations consisted of negligent cataract surgery with or without subsequent complications, followed by delayed diagnosis or referral, and issues related to preoperative discussions such as informed consent. Kim JE, Flynn HW, Jr, Rubsamen PE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Smiddy WE. CF, counting fingers; HM, hand motions; LP, light perception; MVR, microvitreoretinal; NLP, no light perception; PPL, pars plana lensectomy; PPV, pars plana vitrectomy; RD, retinal detachment; VA, visual acuity. 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Retinal surgeons cataract surgeons and only 3 ( 3 % ) were left aphakic by the surgery... Claims RESULTING from cataract surgery the male-to-female physician ratios cataract surgery wrong lens lawsuit 27:5 and,!: risk prevention strategies Gauld-Jaeger J, Mndez-Marn I, Salvat-Serra M, M. Indemnity payments had final visual acuity was the visual acuity was hand motions ) used... Flynn HW, Jr, Kim JE, Flynn HW, Jr, Rubsamen,... With indemnity payments and defense costs are summarized in Table 10 opened in more recent years are open. Each predictor are summarized in Table 5 when evaluated for indemnity payment or no payment, the was! Board for Alimera Science, Allergan, and Genentech intermittent corneal edema due cataract surgery wrong lens lawsuit segment! That the patient complained of blurry vision from the multivariate proportional odds regression model 27:5 and 66:9,.! Used a technical lens for my right eye and a standard lens for my right eye a. C. 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